The Albert J Lindberg airport in Hessel is a regularly maintained, general utility airport with pilot’s lounge. Clark Township serves as the FBO and manages the fuel of 100LL AVGas. Accounts may be established with the Township for purchase of fuel and paid for on a monthly basis. Please call the Township offices at 906-484-2672 for more information.
Albert J Lindberg airport is approximately two (2) miles north of Hessel, which contains a deli-grocery store, laundromat, and one all season restaurant-bar. Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians has a casino north of airport about one mile. Cedarville is three (3) miles east and has four (4) restaurants, a coffee shop, pharmacy, medical facility, and grocery store.
Hangar space is limited but available for rent.
Wifi is available at the airport.
Airport code is 5Y1
Contact Information
AIRPORT MANAGER Joe Baker phone: 906-430-8034
ASSISTANT AIRPORT MANAGER Max Heil phone: 989-513-2207