Landscaping & maintenance of all roads, green areas, unsold burial plots and privately-owned barrier-free burial plots are provided by Cemetery Sexton. Single graves, ½ lots (2 burial spaces), and full lots (5 burial spaces) are available. Contact the Clark Township Clerk, 906-484-2672, for pricing, burial permits, and regulations on markers, memorials, plantings & decorations.
We are pleased to announce that the Clark Township Board of Trustees approved a Cemetery 209 fund. This allows anyone to donate to this fund, even by way of their will. These funds can be used only for the Cemeteries Funds in a 200 account, can be carried over from year to year, and can be earmarked for specific reasons. These funds are not used for routine maintenance and upkeep as that would still come from the General Fund. We encourage everyone to spread the word about this and to donate if possible. You may also designate donations to this fund when a loved one passes away.
Clark Township will be holding cemetery clean up days in the Spring on April 15th & in the fall on October 15th.
Due to complaints, Dogs are no longer permitted inside the cemetery.
Linda Sherlund
email: clerk@clarkwpmi.gov
township offices: 906-484-2672
Tim Bright