The Clark Township Community Center is available for rent to individuals, groups and organizations, at different rates depending upon use. Please contact the Clerk’s office to reserve a time.
It’s the location of choice for local events such as the community Christmas Party, Community Action, Senior dinners, elections, craft shows, Red Cross blood drives, as well as meetings for local organizations. In the winter, weather permitting, we provide a lighted outdoor skating rink. Also, a warm-up room with a restroom always available. It is equipped with a stage and sound system, coat room, kitchen, male and female restrooms, 250 chairs and 32 eight-foot tables. Alcohol is allowed, and good parking available. New siding was put on the building in the summer of 2017 and new shingles on the roof in 2018. Also, a side room is available which can be used for a bar area or for a buffet dinner set up.
$350 Residents
$400 Non-Residents
Linda Sherlund
email: clerk@clarktwpmi.gov
township offices: 906-484-2672